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40pages, 2,342 results in yourMediumsearch for"watercolor and graphite on paperboard"Advanced Search
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Mourning Ring, c. 1936. Creator: Michael Fenga.
Compote, 1935/1942. Creator: Michael Fenga.
Vase, 1935/1942. Creator: Michael Fenga.
Thread Winds, c. 1937. Creator: Michael Fenga.
Wood Carving - Shell, c. 1939. Creator: Joseph Ficcadenti.
Piece of Handwoven Linen, c. 1937. Creator: Daniel Fletcher.
Piece of Linen, c. 1936. Creator: Daniel Fletcher.
Hand Woven Linen, c. 1937. Creator: Daniel Fletcher.
Match Holder, c. 1939. Creator: Daniel Fletcher.
Teapot, 1935/1942. Creator: Daniel Fletcher.
Embroidered Applique Quilt, 1935/1942. Creator: Marian Curtis Foster.
Quilt, c. 1938. Creator: Marian Curtis Foster.
Man's Shirt, c. 1936. Creator: Catherine Fowler.
Bedspread, c. 1940. Creator: Catherine Fowler.
Hat, c. 1936. Creator: Catherine Fowler.
Cravat, c. 1937. Creator: Catherine Fowler.
Cravat, c. 1937. Creator: Catherine Fowler.
Dress, c. 1936. Creator: Catherine Fowler.
Child's Dress, c. 1936. Creator: Catherine Fowler.
Pin, 1935/1942. Creator: John Garay.
Bonnet, c. 1937. Creator: Sara Garfinkel.
Waistcoat, c. 1937. Creator: Sara Garfinkel.
Girl's Dress, c. 1937. Creator: Sara Garfinkel.
Child's Dress, c. 1938. Creator: Sara Garfinkel.
Infant's Cap, c. 1939. Creator: Eleanor Gausser.
Candle Snuffer and Tray, c. 1937. Creator: Eleanor Gausser.
Wedding Handkerchief, c. 1939. Creator: Eleanor Gausser.
Old Colonial Handwoven Bedspread, c. 1940. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Cotton Cloth, c. 1939. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Woven Textile, c. 1942. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Printed Cotton, c. 1940. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Tapestry, c. 1938. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Printed Cotton (Winter Sports), c. 1939. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Printed Textile, c. 1938. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Cotton Cloth, c. 1939. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Tapestry, c. 1939. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Four Textile Samples, c. 1940. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Tapestry, c. 1939. Creator: Pearl Gibbo.
Buffalo, c. 1939. Creator: Robert Gilson.
Brick Sidewalk Tiles, 1935/1942. Creator: Robert Gilson.
Grease Lamp, c. 1941. Creator: Margaret Golden.
Dress, c. 1941. Creator: Margaret Golden.
Trivet, c. 1942. Creator: Margaret Golden.
Crockery Churn, c. 1941. Creator: Margaret Golden.
Hoop, c. 1940. Creator: Jean Gordon.
Card Counters, c. 1936. Creator: Jean Gordon.
Crazy Quilt (Section of), c. 1939. Creator: Mina Greene.
Rocking Chair, c. 1938. Creator: Frank Gutting.
Bandbox, 1935/1942. Creator: Lee Hager.
Wedding Dress, 1935/1942. Creator: Lee Hager.
Stencilled Wall, 1935/1942. Creator: Mildred E Bent.
Woman's Slipper, c. 1941. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Shirt, c. 1937. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Christening Dress, c. 1939. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Girl's Dress, 1935/1942. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Dress, c. 1941. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Woman's Night Cap, c. 1939. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Girl's Dress, c. 1941. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Child's Dress, 1935/1942. Creator: Virginia Berge.
Dress, 1935/1942. Creator: Virginia Berge.